Bookmarks for October 3rd through October 19th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Solace 2010 write up; Localism, hash tags and a reflection on priorities – Great write up from Catherine Howe. Thriving too: Big Society: Yours Mine and Ours – "So how do smaller networks, organisations and projects engage with Big Society if they don’t feel completely … Keep reading

Local by Social: free online conference 3-9 November

I’m taking part in an online conference on the LGID Communities of Practice platform (registration required) that’s running between 3 and 9 November. My bit will be on the 8th, between 1.30 and 3.30pm, and I will be talking about the movement of GovCamps across the UK, where practitioners, suppliers and interested others get together … Keep reading

Local by Social: Networked Neighbourhoods

Here’s Hugh Flouch! Hyperlocal communities Harringay Online – 2,900 members, 4-500 visits a day, 2-300 visitors a day Has discussion forum, event promotion, information about public services, photo gallery and local history archive ‘a bible of local information and gossip’ – BBC news ‘the biggest residents’ association in the borough’ – a local cllr It’s … Keep reading

Local by Social: School of Everything

Paul Miller now up, from the School of Everything. SoE is all about getting more people to learn – the things they want to learn about Since Sept 2008 Private enterprise backed by investment SoE can help reduce costs, do more with less, reinvent the organisation of lifelong learning Listings on SoE is free, and … Keep reading