Local by Social: Networked Neighbourhoods

Here’s Hugh Flouch!

  • Hyperlocal communities
  • Harringay Online – 2,900 members, 4-500 visits a day, 2-300 visitors a day
  • Has discussion forum, event promotion, information about public services, photo gallery and local history archive
  • ‘a bible of local information and gossip’ – BBC news
  • ‘the biggest residents’ association in the borough’ – a local cllr
  • It’s also a peer support group
  • Is translating into on the ground impact. Campaigns eg on betting shops and transport issues.
  • Events are organised by the community, meetups, festivals and parties
  • Next move is into co-production. During the snow, the site was used to organise action on snow clearing
  • Now doing research into London’s ‘digital neighbourhoods’
  • Using local sites results in meeting new neighbours and a greater sense of belonging
  • Also increases likelihood of contacting politicians or local council officers
  • Also results in improved perception of local politicians etc

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