Back to school

OUI’ve just registered to do some proper studying – for the first time since I left university in 2001.

It’s through the Open University, and the qualification is a BSc (Honours) Technology. I’m entirely self taught when it comes to anything computer related, and while that’s fine, I’ve felt for a while that something a little more structured and formal would be useful. I chose this particular course because I know I am no computer scientist, nor anything other than a hobbyist when it comes to actual programming. Hopefully this course will let me focus on strategy and understanding some of the big issues.

I’m also quite interested in how the Open University uses e-learning and the web to support the community of learners on a course.

My first module starts in February next year, so plenty of time to regret my decision – or possibly prepare – and it’s called Networked living: exploring information and communication technologies. Hopefully it will be a fairly gentle start!

Once my work on the course starts, I’ll be sure to share things I learn here on the blog!

1 thought on “Back to school”

  1. Welcome to the OU!

    I completed Network Living (T175) in 2009 – it’s a really good course. The organisation, structure, management and execution is superb! I think you’ll thoroughly enjoy it. I’m working towards the BSc (Hons) in Computing and Systems Practice myself with about 3-4 years to go.

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