3 thoughts on “Don’t assume everyone is offline”

  1. There’s too much binary thinking about digital inclusion/exclusion.

    Think of connectedness as a product of your ability to connect at any point in time, the speed of your connection when you do and your skill at using the network when you are (including, most importantly, your general language skills as well as tech skills).

    This puts individuals on a continuum from totally connected to totally disconnected.

    But as you say, at any given moment in time, the connectedness of an individual might be very different from their average over time.

  2. Totally agree, wonderful point.

    Offline engagement usually requires travel, organisation eg childcare, missing work, queueing and cost.
    Offline engagement takes a lot of time and is therefore at the expense of other activities, be they fun, necessary, or even other worthy activities to be engaged in.

    Online engagement can be done quickly, with no cost, at your convenience and allows time for interests in other things. It also has huge opportunities for quick clickable links to related activities.

    Don’t pay overdue attention to people who cry that we must all turn up physically at the Town Hall to have our say, I and others who want to express opinions but can’t turn up for whatever reason will have our say by other means. Democracy should allow all eligible parties to have equal voice.

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