Quick update

Apologies for the lack of updates here. I’ve been very busy with work, and travelling about the place. Also been writing stuff for elsewhere, and it would appear I only have a finite number of words in my head at any one time.

I do have a couple of things to point people to though.

Firstly is the great content that is going up on the Public Sector Web Network site. Plenty of great stuff on channel shift as well as social media usage. Also don’t forget the conference in Scotland and the upcoming digital engagement workshop in Wales.

Second, I blogged recently about a WordPress based idea sourcing tool. This is called  CiviCrowd and there is a very simple site set up to explain it in slightly more detail now up. Our first project is also very nearly live, and next week I should be able to blog about it, and of course encourage you all to get involved.

Further to that, I am having some very interesting conversations with various councils about how the platform could be deployed to help increase citizen participation in local democratic activity. If this sort of thing might help your organisation, do get in touch.

Thirdly, there is still time to sign up for the digital engagement for community safety workshop I am helping Christine Graham to run in Peterborough on 18th July. More details and booking here.