Here’s something new for you, dear readers

As always, I am trying to be helpful.

No, really! I am.

So, here’s a new thing. Every so often I will answer some questions put to me by visitors to this blog.

All you have to do is ask a question, about a topic big or small, in the comments below.

Then, once I have come up with an answer, I’ll record a video or something and publish it here on the blog.

It could be about anything to do with online innovation, so could be external digital engagement, or internal online collaboration. Something small like what sort of content to use to engage people on Twitter, or something big, like the best way to implement a strategic approach to social media in an organisation.

So, go ahead! Ask a question in the comments, and then I’ll pick one to answer in a few days.

1 thought on “Here’s something new for you, dear readers”

  1. In today’s life work and private interactions with contacts and friends are kept separate through professional boundaries. Social media is blurring those boundaries, where different networks are allowing insights to a person’s personal or professional life.

    How will an employee of a traditional organisation (e.g. Local Gov, SME, Car Dealership etc.. i.e. Not Media, Web or technology) in 5 years time be expected to balance their on-line persona and that of their company?

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