Welcome to WorkSmart!

DesktopWorkSmart is a new blog about how we do our jobs.

It strikes me that there is a lot going on in terms of building fantastic user interfaces and processes for customers and end users of services – and this is great, of course.

But what about the people working behind those services, who are having to use systems which aren’t quite so delightfully designed with the user in mind?

The systems and processes we are all engaged with on a daily basis when we are at work often suck, and make our jobs a lot harder than they need to be.

On top of that, workers in organisations are often denied access to helpful productivity tools and services, which would make them more effective for their employers.

This is mostly down to culture, mindset and attitude. It’s about they way organisations are led, and managed.

WorkSmart will be covering all these issues. I’ll cover personal productivity tricks and tips, and new ways of working. We’ll provide great stories and case studies of where organisations are making life easier and better for their staff through enlightened leadership and management.

Anyone can read the blog of course. But I would be delighted if you would take up our free membership offer, which will mean you get our regular email newsletter, and in future will give you access to members only content.

Also, if you’d like to contribute articles to WorkSmart, just get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

5 thoughts on “Welcome to WorkSmart!”

  1. Hi Dave,
    Congratulations on the new site / project. I’m looking forward to great things. This introduction really gets to the point – there are lots of tools and techniques that can make our working lives more efficient and more enjoyable (not mutually exclusive!) which, in turn, leads to better output from the business, and beyond. Sometimes it’s about technology, sometimes it’s about mindset, and more often than not it’s an adaptive process for a business to take forward and make their own.

  2. Hi Dave

    Congratulations on WorkSmart, looking great.

    You mention, in this post, that …

    “This is mostly down to culture, mindset and attitude. It’s about the way organisations are led, and managed.”

    I agree. I also think there can be a lack of knowledge too(which is not necessarily accompanied by a lack of enthusiasm though).

    This is why WorkSmart is a fab idea. Good luck with the new venture.


    • Thanks Janet – it feels like the right time for something like this. When I have some money to spend I might be coming your way for some branding help 🙂

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