Podcast episode 2 – Carl Haggerty

Here’s the second episode of the podcast, where I chat with Carl Haggerty who does digital at Devon County Council, chairs LocalGovDigital and is a keen promoter of reflective practice at unconferences. Here’s a link to Carl’s blog.

Here’s a link to download the original mp3 file if you would like to do that.

If you would like to subscribe to the podcast in your favourite podcasting app, the feed is http://davebriggs.libsyn.com/rss or you can find the podcast on iTunes.

Show notes and related links (in a slightly jumbled order):

3 thoughts on “Podcast episode 2 – Carl Haggerty”

  1. Well, I for one enjoyed hearing about Carl’s inbox theory. Managing (personal) demand is something I haven’t quite got to grips with yet in my job. I need to check out Trello. This is the second time in a few days I have seen mention of it. I think Sarah Lay said LocalGov Digital use it.

    The care bill and the implications of this for all councils strikes me as the ideal opportunity for collaborative work. We’re all starting from the same place, with the same task ahead of us. The banking comparison that you discussed could extend to citizens transporting their care allowance as they move around the country. Think of how an ISA works. Banks compete for our custom and if we move our ISA from one bank to another, the system still knows what our remaining annual allowance is. The difference is councils are not competing against one another, so getting this right should not be too difficult.

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