Building addictive communities

Rich Millington from Feverbee gave a great talk at the MozCon event on building communities that people actually want to join.

Lots in here that I have been discovering myself lately around creating a shared mission, and a sense of being an exclusive bunch.

Well worth a watch.

1 thought on “Building addictive communities”

  1. That’s good, thanks Dave.

    I like the “Addictive”. Just one problem I have with all of the people who try and teach me how to do things. Most are so busy teaching how a thing should be done, when they never illustrate, by example. e.g. The GDS guys are trying to “lead the digital transformation of government”.

    They offer some good handbooks and guidance.

    Trouble is they never take their own advice. Apart from Janet at digital assurance, al the others rarely try and build an audience. They’re too busy “leading the transformation” to see that they’re not.

    Anyhow, there’s a lot of bridging to be done between the National, and Local, ideas about what a digital maker should be doing. I’m just more inclined to think that come from the local end of

    So could I ask you to make a comment on this one, and maybe link to this post. I’m beginning to sound like a loudmouth in that community. Maybe there’s some way you can influence to do some community building.

    Just so you know. I’m trying to get this tool into your hands, and Phil’s Pipeliners.

    Might help turn a few heads 🙂

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