Internet hell

I am starting to suffer big time from cacky internet connections. For some reason Gmail is running appallingly slowly, and it hasn’t been possible to check my emails all day. It is only a beta, I guess, and of course it might be a problem on the office server. Annoying, though. I’m suffering a bit … Keep reading

Current Reading

I am currently reading Consider Phlebas, by Iain ‘M’ Banks. It is the first Science Fiction novel I have read since I was a kid, and I have to say it took quite a long time to get into. The problem, I am only slightly ashamed to admit, was the funny names. Still, now I … Keep reading

Brian Clough 1935 – 2004

Sadly, Brian Clough died yesterday. As a Nottingham Forest fan, he obviously meant a great deal to me from a football perspective, simply for what he achieved with the club. It would appear that 30 years after he first took charge at Forest, they have returned to where they were before him – a bog … Keep reading

The Crime Trade – Simon Kernick

I finished The Crime Trade, Simon Kernick’s third novel, in hardback (I must be keen!) last night, and it was really rather good. I have something of a soft spot for dark crime fiction, and this certainly hit the spot. John Gallan, who was the star of the show in The Murder Exchange returns, and … Keep reading

Some Recent Reading

‘Like a Fiery Elephant’ – Jonathon Coe An awesome book, magnificent. Anyone who cares about books, reading, and novels should have a look at this. It’s a biography of BS Johnson, the modernist author who killed himself in 1973. Johnson isn’t always a chap one can sympathise with, many of his views on the novel … Keep reading