CIPFA claims blockchain is a ‘promising solution’ for the public sector. I disagree.

CIPFA have published a report entitled Exploring blockchain technologies for collaboration and partnerships [PDF warning]. The very first statement of the executive summary is problematic. Blockchain technology has emerged as a promising solution for collaboration and partnerships, providing a secure and transparent way for multiple parties to interact and transact without intermediaries. Has it? I’m … Keep reading


Just a quick post on a rather semantical topic! The phrase DDAT – standing for digital, design and technology – has become a commonly adopted bit of industry jargon in government circles, to describe the work that people do in this thing we call digital. However, I find it just doesn’t quite work for me, … Keep reading

Just what is a digital operating model?

This was originally published as the lead article in my weekly email newsletter. If you’d like to get more of this sort of thing on a regular basis, sign up! I’m sure folk get bored of people like me banging on about digital transformation being more than web forms, or fancy integrations with back office systems. … Keep reading