Blogging Tsar

The advert is up for the UK government’s Director of Digital Engagement. It looks like an exciting role with stacks of potential. Steph has already started to crowd source what it is that whoever gets the job should start doing. Dominic has also given his commentary on his ‘dream digital director‘.

Snow business

The snow has made it a tricky week this week, with transport problems and the local school being closed. What’s more, just outside Cambridge, the snow is still falling on DavePress Towers. It’s quite pretty, mind. It’s hasn’t all been bad news, though. As Tom Watson reports, the confusion around the schools closures spurred DirectGov’s … Keep reading


Steph has released some details of his short survey of the blocking of useful websites within the public sector. The following figures show the percentages of organisations which allow access to each type of site: Google 100% LinkedIn 100% NetMums 100% Wikipedia 97% Digg 97% Google Reader 91% 89% Yahoo account 86% Flickr 83% … Keep reading

What should a council’s website look like?

Simon Wakeman presents a nice roundup of some of the new websites being launched, comparing Barnet and Cheltenham‘s latest efforts with the current poster-child, Redbridge. Generating an environment for residents to interact online with their councils will generate more engagement with the democratic process and council work in general – but it needs truly interactive … Keep reading