What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Clay Shirky Says Good Collaboration is Structured Fighting – "Large collaborative projects aren't, in fact, large collaborative projects according to Shirky. They're small collaborative projects with tight groups, that integrate very large amounts of small participatory effort." Clay Shirky Says Good Collaboration is Structured Fighting … Keep reading

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. 2011 London Social Business Summit – Great content from this event. Introducing South West LocalGovCamp #swlocalgc « Carl’s Notepad – This should be a good one! ’100 million comments a year’ – mutual support and advice in a shrinking state – How government could be … Keep reading

Bookmarks for February 23rd through April 4th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Reaping the benefits of shared services – Interesting interview with @terryhuggins on the shared services arrangement between South Holland and East Lindsay councils. UK IT Strategy Sets the Pace for All European Governments, But Can They Deliver? – Interesting coverage of the new UK gov … Keep reading

Bookmarks for September 10th through September 14th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. MindQuilt – "MindQuilt is an enterprise knowledge management platform with intelligent question and answer matchmaking and gaming achievement dynamics." Tiny Tiny RSS – Host your own Google Reader clone. Challenge.gov : The central platform for all US Government challenges, contests and innovation prizes. – "Challenge.gov … Keep reading

Snow business

The snow has made it a tricky week this week, with transport problems and the local school being closed. What’s more, just outside Cambridge, the snow is still falling on DavePress Towers. It’s quite pretty, mind. It’s hasn’t all been bad news, though. As Tom Watson reports, the confusion around the schools closures spurred DirectGov’s … Keep reading