Creative facilitation

Facilitation is one of those odd skills, or activities, where it is very hard to define, but you tend to know when it is being done well, or indeed badly. Viv McWaters and Johnnie Moore are two people who can definitely be described as great facilitators, and they have collected together their combined thinking and … Keep reading

Simplifying complex work

Yves Morieux gives a really interesting TED talk here on how to reduce the complexity of modern day work. He has six rules to help make this happen: Understand what your colleagues actually do. Remove rules: Reinforce the “integrators” Integrators are managers. Give them more power and interest to make others cooperate. Remove the layers … Keep reading

Kahootz’s guide to a digital first culture

Kahootz is a cloud based project collaboration platform, which looks pretty good – and their blog is full of useful stuff. Recently their CEO John Glover posted about “Creating a ‘Digital First’ culture in your public sector organisation“. In it he mentions four main points, which are well worth reflecting on. 1. Involve staff at … Keep reading

Do you produce documents, or do you do work?

I really rather like this video interview with Rod Drury, CEO of the cloud accounting company Xero. I’ve been a happy Xero customer for a few years now – the system makes accounting comprehensible to the non-accountant, which is great! In the interview, Rod talks about Xero’s switch from traditional Microsoft based systems to using … Keep reading