Let’s do the LocalGovCamp again

It’s probably about time we sorted LocalGovCamp out again! For various reasons it’s going to be running after the summer rather than before, as has previously been the case. So, the two potential dates are 21st or 28th September. Let me know if you feel strongly one way or another in the comments. Location will be … Keep reading

You went to UKGovCamp, what next?

UKGovCamp happened on Saturday at the second time of asking and I think it went rather well. Take a look at the chatter on Twitter or the photos on Flickr and make your own mind up. The mixture of attendees – government folk, suppliers, activists and the merely curious – and the relaxed atmosphere seem … Keep reading

LocalGovCamp next weekend!

Next Saturday (14th July) sees LocalGovCamp coming back to Birmingham!

It’s a great opportunity for innovators across local government to get together, share problems and come up with solutions. It’s also an honour (and occasional inducer of panic) to be able to put the event together.