Scripting Enabled

Scripting Enabled looks like a really worthwhile couple of days out, if you can make it: Scripting Enabled is a two day conference and workshop aimed at making the web a more accessible place. We are planning to achieve this by making those in the know about accessibility barriers meet hackers that know how to … Keep reading

UKYouthOnline date and location confirmed

Tim Davies has confirmed when and where the UKYouthOnline unconference will be taking place: 27th September at the HQ of the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills, on Victoria Street in London. The event promises to be a fabuolous opportunity for people to get together to talk about youth engagement and participation, especially following the … Keep reading

Reflections on WordCampUK

I am typing most of this on the train back from Birmingham, where I have been attending WordCampUK, a two day conference on all things to do with the greatest online publishing platform, like, ever. It was great to meet new folk, and friends too and as always, the value for me was in the … Keep reading