2gether no more

So, it’s all over. 2gether08, Steve Moore‘s vision of getting good people from the media, government, third sector, social entrepreneurs and the world of webbies together, was a fantastic couple of days in the (mostly) sunshine. There is so much to talk about, and loads going round in my head. First up, my session. We … Keep reading

WordCamp UK

WordCamps are fairly unorganised events for lovers of the best blogging platform, like, eva: WordPress. The first one in the UK is taking place in Birmingham next month, and it’s going to be great. Get a ticket here. Even better news is that Simon Dickson‘s going to be there, and running a session on non-blogging … Keep reading

Personal Democracy Forum

Interesting article on TechCrunch about the Personal Democracy Forum taking place in New York next week: It’s also time for more industry leaders to push politicians to take a more forward-thinking approach to how government distributes public information. We hear a lot these days about how the internet is affecting the election, which PdF will … Keep reading

Turning events inside out

Shane McCracken was sufficiently interested in the social reporting that David Wilcox and I undertook at the DC10plus event early last month that he started to develop a business model around it, dubbing it ConferenceXtra. The concept is that it’s all well and good for public sector organisations to put on events to disseminate information, … Keep reading