More on Google/JotSpot

Ben, in the comments, wrote: But they already have Google Notebook ( which I always thought of as a WYSIWYG wiki. JotSpot certainly fits in with their suite of web services though. I think the last point is the key. I don’t think the Googleised version of JotSpot (Gspot?) will be intended as a service … Keep reading

Google buys JotSpot

JotSpot has been purchased by Google, according to the official Google blog: OK, I can finally blurt it out: JotSpot is now part of Google, and I couldn’t be more excited. Three years ago my friend Graham Spencer and I set out to start a new company. We’d both recently left Excite, which we co-founded, … Keep reading

Gmail Attachments and Google Docs

Interesting post on Google Operating System blog: If Gmail were integrated with Google Docs & Spreadsheets, it would have a new link next to some attachments that says “Import in Google Docs & Spreadsheets”. This way, you could edit these files online. Fortunately, if you go to this page, you can find a mail address … Keep reading


The Google Toolbar for Firefox has a subscribe button for RSS feeds. You can choose your aggregator from a list. Google Reader isn’t on it…

Google Docs, and Zoho

What was Writely is now Google Docs. Sigh. They’ve combined it with the spreadsheet package, so they are available from the same screen – the homepage being effectively a file manager when you log in. One criticism of Google when they buy things is that they don’t bother to integrate them properly with everything else … Keep reading