New toy

On the way home from work last night I bought myself a little treat: It’s a Wacom Bamboo 1 graphics tablet – just the basic model for playing with. One of the things I will start using it for is creating Sketchcasts, which look like a really cool mashup of lo- and hi-tech. Here’s an … Keep reading

Headset problems

I’ve got a Logitech 250 headset, which I mainly use for Skype calls. All of a sudden though, it’s been producing the most awful crackling sound, making it effectively unusable. Anyone know what the problem might be? Update: Whatever it was, it’s sorted itself now. How odd. Tags: Logitech+Headset+USB+250

New PC soon…

Just had news that my new desktop PC is on its way and will be here on Monday. Woot! Then I can get cracking with installing Ubuntu onto it… perhaps a few days off to get it sorted would be a good idea! My Toshiba laptop is a nightmare right now – it keeps overheating … Keep reading