E-mail is under-used in politics

From the BBC: The dramatic rise in home internet access has failed to plug the communication gap between politicians and citizens, a new survey has found. The survey, commissioned by Telewest Business, found that only 1% of people have contacted their MP via e-mail. Nearly half of the 3,000 people interviewed had home net access … Keep reading

Rubel Roundup

Quite a few interesting posts by Steve Rubel on Micro Persuasion recently, which I am still catching up on. Folksonomies Turn Chaos Into Information eWeek: The new term “Folksonomy” has emerged to describe the potential for user-defined tags to organically develop structure out of what might appear to be chaotic collections of information. One of the … Keep reading

Will politics ever get e-serious?

Good article by Bill Thompson on the BBC Technology News Site. The political classes will be surprised indeed if the next General Election doesn’t take place on 5 May. In fact Tony Blair might even lose votes if he disappoints us and goes for another date. Apart from the date, the other thing that is … Keep reading