Gmail Journal

Interesting post here on using a gmail (or indeed any free webmail account) as a journal or note-taking system. The great thing about using Gmail is of course the labels which means you can organise your notes easily. I might try using this, although I do tend to use this blog to make notes of … Keep reading

Intro to RSS

Nice article on RSS, aimed at journalists, but pretty good for anyone wanting a plain English guide.

Stuff from Scoble

Robert Scoble blogs about Onfolio 2.0. Looks like I am going to have to look at this news aggregator which integrates with Firefox. Look very interesting. Nice screenshot here.

Good News / Bad News for Firefox

Computer Weekly reports that large companies are being warned off switching to Firefox. The Gartner report said Firefox’s growth, so far, was “unsustainable” as many of the features that had made it popular were primarily aimed at individual users not businesses. A simple case of FUD? Better news, however, is that Yahoo! are offering a … Keep reading