If British politics is bad…

…then imagine how bad things are in the states. From The Guardian: The Democratic senator, Barack Obama, has launched an aggressive counter-attack against rumours that he is a Muslim and was educated at a madrasa in Indonesia…Mr Obama’s spokesman said the senator had never been a Muslim and was a church-going Christian. “We won’t take … Keep reading

Digital Dialogues

Simon Dickson reports on Digital Dialogues, of which the DD website explains: The purpose of Digital Dialogues is to assess the capacity of ICT to support central government’s communication and consultation activity (principally with the public but also with internal stakeholders). Digital Dialogues takes technology as its focus and seeks to build the capacity within … Keep reading

Blair’s capitulation

Oliver Kamm on the government’s craven actions over the BAE fraud enquiry: Our overriding foreign policy goal is the defeat of aggressive terrorism. So pursuing an inquiry into corruption in an arms deal worth billions of pounds would risk disrupting a relationship with Saudi Arabia crucial to achieving those goals. Mr Blair placed emphasis on … Keep reading

News Round Up

Plenty going on this morning – Today kept my attention for the whole 2 hour journey… Blair apology to Soham parents Metropolitan Police chief Sir Ian Blair has apologised to the parents of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman for comments he made about the Soham murders. Sir Ian Blair told the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) … Keep reading

Links 26/1/06

GPLv4 – just about funny, but even for geek hunour it’s borderline Barwick plans England coach talks – my choice: Guus Hiddinck. The thought that the likes of Curbishley, Allardyce or – God help us – Steve McClaren might get the job because of their Englishness is absured. Stuart Pearce maybe, but he needs more … Keep reading