Build your own search engine

This is a presentation I created  a while ago explaining just how easy it is to create a personalised search engine with Google CSE. I have had a few people ask me how this is done recently, so I thought it might be worth re-publishing it. [slideshare 69077 customised-search-with-google4296]

Creative Connectivity Slides

I spoke last week at Creative Connectivity, a conference being organised by the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Support Centre, which is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee – on the subject of the risks and opportunities presented by Web 2.0 and social media for e-learning providers. I was surprised by some of the discussions … Keep reading

Be More Productive with Web 2.0

Here’s a little presentation I have cobbled together to try and show what’s possible with a web browser these days. It certainly isn’t intended to be comprehensive, rather to give folk an idea of where they can go to start experimenting. Feel free to use it, edit it, do whatever you like with it. [slideshare … Keep reading