How I use online stuff

Carl has posted a couple of interesting bits about how he uses social websites, and how this is changing: Shaking up my social networks Why can’t Online be more like Offline? I don’t tend to think about what I use – probably because this stuff is now completely embedded into work… but a quick scan … Keep reading

The pipe problem

At Public Sector Online (which Elaine did a marvellous job of writing up on the LP blog) last Monday, the question was asked – as it often is at these events – what could be done about the fact that the majority of folk working in government, access to the common social websites is blocked. … Keep reading

Careers 2.0

Two strangely related things happened last week. The second one was Dominic Campbell‘s post, “Exciting times” in which he describes the progress he has made over the last few years, and how odd – and amazing – the whole thing is. Suddenly I am attending Chief Executive only gigs to talk about how technology and … Keep reading