David Wilcox

I’m a regular reader of David Wilcox‘s blog, and if you aren’t at the moment, you should be. His posts are full of great stuff. He’s also the editor of a wiki which is chock-full of useful social media information. A recommended bookmark for future reference for sure. The wiki system David is using looks … Keep reading

A Million Penguins

Penguin, the publishers, have unleashed a cool idea: a novel written on a wiki. There’s a blog just for the project, too. Great that they are using open source tools: WordPress and MediaWiki. The main Penguin blog (Typepad, boo) notes that: Over the next six weeks we want to see whether a community can really … Keep reading

Amazon launches Amapedia

Amazon have launched a new site, Amapedia, which is a wiki for products. Nice idea. Effectively, it gives people a chance to write about the stuff they like which can be bought from Amazon. I guess that means writing about stuff you hate is possible too. What makes the whole site extra cool is the … Keep reading


Wetpaint is a hosted wiki service – more like Wikia than PBwiki, in that it’s probably suited to community sites. The difference between Wetpaint and Wikia though, is that Wetpaint looks good. Mike Arrington and Zoli Erdos both mention it today, which is how I came by it. Arrington reports the $9.5 million funding they’ve … Keep reading

Jimmy Wales on 5 Live

Here. Download it while you can! [tags]jimmy wales, wikipedia, bbc, 5live[/tags]