Another reason why WordPress is great

I had no idea that writing blog posts for future release was so easy with WordPress! All you have to do is edit the “timestamp” for the post when you write it to be the day in the future when you want it published, and it automatically appears for you on that day – so … Keep reading


Am playing around with the theme of this blog at the moment – sorry for any irritation caused!

Lib Dems Love WordPress

A couple of weeks ago, I noted the new Lib Dem’s manifesto website, which pleased me as it ran on WordPress. Well, thanks to Guido I have come across two more WP powered sites maintained by the Liberal Democrats. The first is Corruption is a Crime: For far too long, it’s been acceptable to turn … Keep reading

Cost cutting, and welcome home!

Welcome to my blog! I’ve basically decided to cut right down on my web expenditure. Having the domain was fun, but the renewal was going to cost £35, and the bill for my hosting is due next month too. So, I’ve cut right down by: Moving all the content to this blog … Keep reading