links for 2006-12-20

Firebug – Web Development Evolved (tags: webdesign firefox open-source plugin programming www browser) Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Zoho Gets All Wiki (tags: wiki zoho office) VECOSYS.COM (tags: web2.0 blog techcrunch UK) MyBlogLog (tags: blog tools tracking blogging stats blogs web2.0) edublogs: Quintura for kids – a search engine for our youngest surfers (tags: search … Keep reading

Zoho go all wiki

Zoho, one of the challengers to Google’s online office crown – and a damn good one at that – has unleashed its wiki service, to go along with the whole raft of other services they provide. The editing functionality comes from Zoho Writer, so is very easy to use with full wysiwyf functionality. TechCrunch covers the … Keep reading

AskX looks cool

Ask have launched a preview of their new search page design, nominally called AskX. Appearing in a three column layout, which is similar to their AskCity product, it now displays results from other information sources inthe right hand section, as well as the usual results in the middle. The right column is reserved for narrowing … Keep reading

Vecosys launches

Sam Sethi and Mike Butcher, erstwhile editors of Techcrunch UK have launched their own site covering ‘Web 2.0, mobile and new technology firms in Europe’ called Vecosys. Not sure what I make of that name, and the domain forwarding thing they have got going there is pretty annoying – all the pages seem to be … Keep reading

Loïc on LeWeb

Loïc Le Meur responds at length to the many criticisms going round the blogosphere about LeWeb3: I apologize to the speakers and audience for the last-minute changes to the second day program and take personal responsibility for those changes. For opening the program beyond bloggers, however, I have no regrets … Criticism focussed on the … Keep reading