
So, the first post to hyprtext. Guess I better explain… This is going to be a blog about the web. Talking about the new web services, Web 2.0 and all that stuff. Yeah, I know, another one. But I’m hoping this is going to be a little different. One of the differences with this blog … Keep reading

Blair’s capitulation

Oliver Kamm on the government’s craven actions over the BAE fraud enquiry: Our overriding foreign policy goal is the defeat of aggressive terrorism. So pursuing an inquiry into corruption in an arms deal worth billions of pounds would risk disrupting a relationship with Saudi Arabia crucial to achieving those goals. Mr Blair placed emphasis on … Keep reading

Google Phone

From The Observer: Google is on the move. The internet giant has held talks with Orange, the mobile phone operator, about a multi-billion-dollar partnership to create a ‘Google phone’ which makes it easy to search the web wherever you are. The collaboration between two of the most powerful brands in technology is seen as a … Keep reading

WP Tiger Administration v3.0

Steve Smith has updated his Tiger Admin plug-in. What does it do? It makes the WordPress admin screen look very nice indeed. Good job! [tags]wordpress, WP Tiger Administration, steve smith[/tags]

links for 2006-12-14

Memex 1.1 » Blog Archive » The dictatorship of the presentation layer (tags: naughton thompson web2.0 AJAX) Web 2.0 and Tim O’Reilly as Marshal Tito | The Register (tags: web2.0 ajax technology web development)