Banning Conference Blogging

Steve Rubel and John Naughton both link to a story from Greg Verdino about the Nielsen BuzzMetric conference, which has banned delegates from blogging about the event. There’s more here from David Armano. The subject covered by the conference? Consumer generated media. Unbelievable. As many have said, the word-of-blog marketing that having running commentaries on … Keep reading

links for 2006-10-26

The story of Tetris ( (tags: kottke tetris games tv) Vox (tags: blogging blogs web2.0 sixapart vox) Oracle drops bomb on Red Hat’s Linux business (tags: oracle red hat linux)

links for 2006-10-25

How to Be a Great Host (tags: forums) The Question Time solution (tags: politics tv question time) The Wonderful World of WordPress Products (tags: wordpress blogging) Toufee flash movie maker – Make flash movies in seconds! (tags: flash tools video Free online)

links for 2006-10-24

I Agree With Nick Carr? On the Lessig YouTube post… (tags: youtube lessig copyright) Microsoft’s big nightmare: free online apps (tags: Web2.0 internet browser os) Google Co-op (tags: google coop custom search) So I signed up for PayPerPost (tags: payperpost schneider) TV is dead (tags: TV web2.0 youtube)