links for 2006-04-11

BBC Blog Network (tags: blogging bbc) Mini Pixel Icons (tags: free icons web_design)

links for 2006-04-10

Outshine: phpBB Blog It’s, like, a blog. Running on phpBB. (tags: blogging software phpbb) Optimus Prime (person) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Madness (tags: wikipedia) FOR DUMMIES® Book Cover Generator 2006 (tags: books free internet web2.0)


I have been playing around with various content management systems recently, and found most of them to be pretty unsatisfactory. I basically wanted a solution that could combine a blog type of news site with an integrated forum. I was so frustrated with systems like Drupal and Mambo, which were just so damn hard to … Keep reading

Remember The Milk

The Museum of Modern Betas has issued a list of the ‘biggest’ beta services out there, as measured by the number of times they have been bookmarked in One of the ones it points out, that I hadn’t come across before, was Remember the Milk, an online to-do list manager. It really good! You … Keep reading


The latest announcement from Michael Robertson’s Ajaxlaunch is eyespot – an online AJAXy video editing service. Sounds cool, though I don’t have any video clips to hand to try it out on. Seems a departure from the other Ajaxlaunch stuff though, and it doesn’t fit in with the style of the other apps. [tags]eyespot[/tags]