links for 2006-04-09

Amazon may live to rue naked aggression against blogging (tags: blogging amazon naughton)

First Linux Steps

I took my first steps with Linux this week. At the start of the week, I installed Ubuntu on my old Toshiba laptop. It installed beautifully, and ran very nicely. Very quick to boot up indeed. In fact, I really, really liked it – especially as I am likely to be using the laptop mainly … Keep reading

links for 2006-04-08

How fast is Excel compared to Calc? There’s a factor of 360 in it.. (tags: calc excel)

links for 2006-04-07

List of blogging terms – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (tags: blogging internet wiki)


I have installed Blogbar in the sidebar of this blog, which you can use to search the site. The theme I use, Contempt, dosn’t appear to have a search bar included, though doubtless I could conjure one up if I could be faffed. I would like to know, however, how I can change the search … Keep reading