links for 2006-03-21

reddit: what’s new online (tags: web2.0 rss links bookmarks) Google Finance (tags: google finance news) The Lightning Project – Integrated Calendar Lightening 0.1 released (tags: calendar extensions) David Miliband | the first blog by a UK cabinet minister (tags: blogging politics) What We Can Learn From Scoble’s Lament (tags: blogging) Riya – Photo Search … Keep reading

Comment Email Subscriptions

Thanks to Neville Hobson for pointing out the Subscribe to Comments 2.0 plug-in which allows readers to click a tickbox to receive email notifications of when replies are made to comments they have posted. A great little WordPress plug-in.


Kiko is another online calendar service. It’s filled with lots of lovely little AJAXy tricks and generally looks lovely. One of the cool features include having a text box which allows you to quickly add appointments using a human readable syntax, which is nice. The problem with the site at the moment is that it is … Keep reading

links for 2006-03-20

Stupid Email Disclaimers (tags: email) Google ordered to hand over data (tags: google internet politics) Hackers get Mac running Windows (tags: microsoft windows apple mac osx) Microsoft Monitor: The Bundling Question, Redux (tags: microsoft) Messy daughter fights back by humiliating dad (tags: internet)

On RSS Aggregators

I have just been playing with Bloglines this morning – it has been a while since I looked at it, as I have been doing all on online RSSing in Newsgator of late, because the sync with FeedDemon is so handy. Anyway, I won’t be using FeedDemon so much when I get the new PC, … Keep reading