Huffington Post is Go

US based celebrity blog thing is now up and running, as reported by Dan Gillmor: The Huffington Post has launched, and it’s part-Drudge (though from a different perspective), part blog of blogs. It’s obviously version 1.0, which means you should give it time to settle down. The great Harry Shearer will “Eat the Press” — … Keep reading

Using Blogjet as an FTP Server – kinda

Just gotten round to filling in the FTP details on BlogJet, which means that if I have a photo on my PC, BlogJet will upload it for me in a specified directory on the web server, when I get round to updating the blog. Here’s a quick test: Look – it’s Gary Megson, the man … Keep reading

From Common Sense Journalism

Doc Searles on blogs What is a blog? The oft-cited Doc Searles shares his thoughts in a PowerPoint from the “Les Blogs” conference in Paris. Or, if you’d like the html version … Try slide 17 for the nub of things: Blogs are journals They are not “sites” They are not “content” They are not … Keep reading

Google Blog

From Scoble: Google moves its blog to Blogger, adds blogroll Yeah, TDavid, it is an honor to be blogrolled on Google’s blog. Google recently moved its blog over to Blogger. So that’s why my previous attempts to subscribe to this have failed recently. Note to self: check this out in the morning.

GUI Article

History of the Graphical User Interface Ars Technica has a great history of the GUI that just came online. I was one of those “Xerox invented it, Apple stole it, Microsoft stole that” kinds of people. It’s great to realize that, really, everyone stole everything from someone else and none of this is unique. From … Keep reading