Blunkett returns in new Cabinet

Blunkett returns in new Cabinet, according to the BBC: David Blunkett has returned to the Cabinet as work and pensions secretary as Tony Blair reshuffles his top team. Patricia Hewitt has been appointed health secretary – with John Reid moving to defence and Geoff Hoon becoming Commons leader. In other changes, Alan Johnson takes the … Keep reading

Link Directory Page

Am working on a large list of links of pages I regularly visit. At the moment it is very incomplete, so have temporarily password protected it.


Backpack is a genuinely brilliant site. It is essentially an online personal information manager, giving you the ability to maintain an online diary or keep todo lists, posts photos and all sorts.   Steve Rubel explains it far better than me.  Backpack lets you create and share lists, photos, documents and more in a wiki-like … Keep reading

And here is my page. Both this and the Furl one have RSS feeds to subscribe to.


Furl is a bookmark manager, rather like, I think. I am going to give both of them a try and see which is most useful, if either. Here’s the link for my Furl page which as yet has only this blog’s index page in it – how sad! LookSmart’s Furl – The theclosedcircle Archive