Moronic reporting of non issues

Take a look at this story, excitingly titled on the BBC News site “Council Twitter users face rebuke“. Councillors in Cornwall could face being reported to the authority’s standards committee for using social networking sites. The trouble is, no they’re not. Later in the article: It follows claims that a number of councillors used Twitter … Keep reading

The BBC and innovation

Mike Butcher lays into the BBC over web innovation: I think the BBC should do more, a LOT more, to hook into the innovation happening in technology companies in the private sector, and at the same time allowing private sector companies to innovate around the products the BBC produces. And that does not mean just … Keep reading

BBC blogging

Interesting re-post of an article that appeared in the BBC’s in-house magazine Ariel by Rory Cellan-Jones on the issues around the launch of the various blogs written by BBC journalists: It strikes me the initial concerns were twofold – that nobody would be interested in our blogs so they would be a waste of a … Keep reading

Two point oh? Or zero?

The BBC are coming up with guidance on how staff should pronounce the phrase “Web 2.0”. Is it, for example: Web two point oh Web two point zero Web two dot oh Web two etc etc etc… I have always been a two point oh kinda guy myself, which puts me in line with most … Keep reading