Publishing stuff

One of the things I love about the internet most is the fact that it puts the power to publish into the hands of pretty much anybody. There are many ways of doing it these days, whether by using a tool like WordPress like I do here – which can be pretty complicated – or perhaps … Keep reading

Eleven years a blogger

According to the archive on this site, I’ve been writing this blog for eleven years today – since September 2004. This is the 2,646th post and there have been 4,263 comments on them over the years. Lots has changed in that time, personally and professionally. It’s fair to say that I wouldn’t be where I … Keep reading

Could I make my blog my livelihood?

Bit navel-gazey this post, but bear with me, and I would love your feedback. So, as mentioned previously, I am looking for a job. The main reason for this is that I want to be able to focus on one thing, and not have the freelancer’s dilemma of always looking for the next thing while … Keep reading

Why writing helps

One of the things that I love about being a blogger is the encouragement it gives me to write. Writing helps. It’s fair to say, I think, that if you want to get good at something, then writing about it is a key part of the learning process. You don’t even have to do it … Keep reading