Daily note for 6 October 2023

Sent out a newsletter yesterday. It features some notes on building network of digital enthusiasts in your organisation. The innovation igloo about service patterns was fun today. We talked about service patterns and referenced the Essex/FutureGov work, the GDS Verify-inspired work, and something I have been noodling on myself recently. The next one is in … Keep reading

The Innovators – lessons from the digital revolution

I’ve just finished a rather excellent book, The Innovators by Walter Isaacson. It takes a wonderfully long term view of digital – starting with Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace and ending with Larry and Sergei in more recent times. I thoroughly recommend it. At the end is a magnificent concluding chapter, identifying the lessons that … Keep reading

Founders at Work

Am currently reading, and very much enjoying Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston of Y Combinator. It’s basically lots of interviews with founders of companies that were once startups about what life was like in the early days. The book’s blurb sells it well: Founders at Work is a collection of interviews with founders of famous technology companies … Keep reading

Is technology killing books and reading?

A fairly interesting, if somewhat confused in places, piece in The Guardian a few days ago from the author Philip Hensher. He starts by pointing out the rather glorious way that slightly niche publishing projects can get off the ground thanks to crowd funding websites such as Kickstarter, and also the way in which it’s … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: hackpad – neat collaboration / wiki / collaborative editing thingy The BBC’s hi-tech failure: Don’t Mention It Catch up with Doug Belshaw’s Open Badges Learning Hour – Learning Pool Geneva E-Participation Day: Open Data and International Organisations | Tim’s Blog Heidegger on technology, and technodeterminism Review: … Keep reading