📅 Daily note for 4 October 2024

Jukesie shares his ideas⬈ for the new Digital Centre Design Panel⬈. They are very sensible. # Steve⬈ has shared a really good looking intro to product management course⬈ – it’s online and free. # How government defines a service⬈ (via Neilly⬈) When we talk about a service, we mean all the things that government collectively … Keep reading

📅 Daily note for 9 July 2024

Some machinery of government changes starting to come through. DLUHC is now MHCLG⬈ (the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) again, which is good. Also all the digital stuff (GDS, CDDO etc) is going into DSIT⬈ (the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology) which is potentially exciting. It will be interesting to see where … Keep reading

Daily note for 22 January 2024

I am running a 6 week online course about making a success of digital in your organisation. You can find out more and book on the SensibleTech website. Neil Lawrence’s GovCamp write up (Medium, meh). AI, data, and public services from Jerry Fishenden: But technology alone can’t solve complex political, social, and economic problems. And … Keep reading

Daily note for 19 January 2024

A minor innovation in these daily notes – pulling out the occasional quote from some of the links, and then using a horizontal line to provide some separation. Also using the lines to make it clear when a multiple-paragraph comment from me is over. Like this!: “I Made This”: In its current state, generative AI … Keep reading