Keeping on keeping on

Quick job update from me: after a fantastic year doing digital culture and capability stuff at Brum, it’s time for me to move on. Next up, I will be supporting Amanda Stevens at Lambeth with digital in social care, as well as helping figure out digital platform stuff more generally. Looking forward to getting cracking … Keep reading

A digital journey

A tweet from Simon Wardley made me chuckle this week: I'm convinced huge swathes of hapless new / social media consultants have rebranded to digital transformation. — Simon Wardley (@swardley) September 25, 2017 It stung a bit too – after all, I started out being someone promoting social media in government, and now here I … Keep reading

Some personal hopes for 2015

I don’t want to call them resolutions – doing so means failure if they don’t come off. However, there are a few things that I hope will happen in the next twelve months. 1. Focus more on writing (or, creating and communicating) When it comes down to it, the thing I most love doing is … Keep reading