Amazon WorkSpaces

As well as being the world’s biggest online retailer, Amazon is also one of the main providers of cloud based computing services. They offer a dizzying array of different services and platforms, enabling anyone with a credit card to get access to serious computing power. One of their newer offerings is WorkSpaces. These provide access to … Keep reading

Dropbox launches a swathe of new features

Some interesting developments from Dropbox – everyone’s (well, most people’s) favourite cloud storage/backup/sharing tool. Firstly, a new app called Carousel, which is a photo gallery app. According to the blurb, it …combines the photos in your Dropbox with the photos on your phone, and automatically backs up new ones as you take them. Carousel sorts … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: An Open Letter to Software Suppliers – 13 Ways to Help the Public Sector to the Cloud – @copley_rich Why the obsession with “coding” misses the point – from @jjn1 “Whatsapp and $19bn” – great writeup Love this: “How To Create A Self-Paced Email Course” Why … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Redefining the Digital Divide | @helenmilner The system is failing, hack the system – via @annemcx The Four Freedoms – wonderful piece on #opensource by @photomatt The dangerous appeal of the Silicon Valley narrative G+ Hangout: open source CMS for local government Interested in social leadership? … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Google+: author attribution & embedded posts Clay Christensen @RSAInnovate: Why the spreadsheet is killing job creation What public consultation can look like | Postbureaucrat – good stuff from @lesteph Outline has a big first customer and a bigger goal: Making open government user-friendly | PandoDaily Google’s … Keep reading