Daily notes for 19 September 2023

Redesigning the DDaT Capability Framework. Can data help me solve this problem? Dorset Council claims progress with roll out of digital social care records. “Elon Musk: Social media platform X could go behind paywall” Shoulda woulda coulda. People need to stop reporting on what this man says and focus on what he does. “Why Voice … Keep reading

Links of note 13/1/20

As mentioned in this post, I have started to find some time to read a bit more, and to bookmark useful stuff. Here’s what I have found in recent days (if I am honest, less than I would have expected – although maybe the time of year is to blame for that). The coming storm … Keep reading

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Google+: author attribution & embedded posts Clay Christensen @RSAInnovate: Why the spreadsheet is killing job creation What public consultation can look like | Postbureaucrat – good stuff from @lesteph Outline has a big first customer and a bigger goal: Making open government user-friendly | PandoDaily Google’s … Keep reading