Us Now

Quite a few folk have been lucky enough to see Us Now, a film made by Banyak Films in association with the RSA. Ivo Gormley directs. Here is how the film is described on its website: Us Now is a documentary film project about the power of mass collaboration, government and the Internet. Us Now … Keep reading

New Zealand Gov blog

The New Zealand State Services Commission has started a blog – you can find it here. In their words: We’re aiming to build thought leadership around significant work programmes, including Authentication, Strategy and Policy and Web Standards, as well as providing a best practice example of how to effectively manage social media as part of … Keep reading

Communities & Local Government engaging with bloggers

The Department for Communities & Local Government did some great work in engaging people with the Empowerment White Paper entitled Communities in Control. Some of the activity included a blog, forum, Twitter feed, online video and photos hosted on Flickr. What was originally going to be a very short term programme has been extended, which … Keep reading