Online Ambition

Online Ambition is a great project run by Edinburgh Napier University, brought to my attention by the comment that Ella Taylor-Smith left on another post. The aim of the project is to bring together young people, their parents and advisors to discuss using the web to enhance careers, rather than hinder them! This will involve … Keep reading

Connected Generation 2010

Connected Generation 2010 is, in the words of chief cheerleader Tim Davies: …a one-day conference exploring youth engagement and technology in 2010. Based on feedback from participants at recent training events, and on the positive response to the Beyond Twitter event we ran up in Wrexham last year, we’re trying a mixed Conference and Open … Keep reading

The web and safeguarding – a new project

Dom Campbell of FutureGov has blogged about the start of a new project around how the web can help improve and innovate in children’s services. This project will kick off with a get together of interested folk: To start off with, we are looking to bring together multi-disciplinary senior manager and practitioners, from childrens social … Keep reading