If you don’t do it, someone else will

Here’s more proof. Birmingham City Council are asking for people’s views on their ‘Big City Plan’. They have even created a website to help people to do so. I asked Jon Bounds, Birmingham blogger extraordinaire, what was wrong with the Council’s approach. He answered: Not so much “wrong” per-se as we thought helping discussion (rather … Keep reading

Posting links

Since delicious upgraded itself, the automatic posting of stuff I have bookmarked has stragely stopped on DavePress. Not at all sure why. Anyway, to improve things, I have installed the Postalicious plugin for WordPress, which will handle all this for me, on the recommendation of the social media John Virgo, Jon Bounds. There are quite … Keep reading

Get satisfaction with your council

Jon Bounds has come up with another brilliant idea – using the ‘people powered customer support’ site GetSatisfaction to create a community around the services provided by Birmingham City Council. So, I thought, could this work for a local council? Imagine time saved by council officials if knowledgeable citizens helped answer questions, imagine the resources … Keep reading