Legends of low code panel recording

This Tuesday Nick and I ran the legends of low code panel session, and much fun was had, and great learning shared. I was joined by: Kev Rowe, Croydon Council Craig Barker, Cumbria County Council Clare Evans, Tewkesbury Borough Council Lee Gallagher, Hertsmere Council Check out the video recording above, to hear about the great … Keep reading

LocalGovCamp Yorkshire and Humber

All Aboard the Great Yorkshire & Humber LocalGovCamp Train! Departing from: The National Railway Museum in York (only 2hrs from London) Departure date: Saturday 12 June 2010 For tickets and more information: www.localgovcamp-yh.co.uk This first LocalGovCamp under the new Coalition Government will undoubtedly see some big issues debated, not least the future of local government … Keep reading


Carl Haggerty has launched a great initiative down in Devon: Carl writes: It would be great to get public sector professionals, voluntary organisations and business people involved in these areas all together and working through some of these issues and topics – Basically, i’d imagine the event to involve anyone who has an interest and … Keep reading

Councillor 2.0

Just popped up on the Gallomanor blog – Cllr 2.0: The Ministry of Justice Innovations Fund II approved a bid from Gallomanor and Norfolk County Council to help set this record straight.  We’re filming a group of six Norfolk County Councillors as we train them on how to blog.  The film along with a introductory … Keep reading