Connected Generation 2010

Connected Generation 2010 is, in the words of chief cheerleader Tim Davies: …a one-day conference exploring youth engagement and technology in 2010. Based on feedback from participants at recent training events, and on the positive response to the Beyond Twitter event we ran up in Wrexham last year, we’re trying a mixed Conference and Open … Keep reading

Great blogging on #localgovweb

Two great blog posts recently on the ever thorny issue of local government websites. Firstly, Al Smith recounts his experience managing the refresh of Newcastle City Council‘s site. A remarkably honest and open appraisal of how it all went, and Al’s own role, it’s a great read and one for any local gov web manager … Keep reading

Cloud computing during a catastrophe

It often amuses people when they learn I was once a Risk Manager at a County Council. I have no idea why. One of my roles at the time was to look after business continuity arrangements – in other words, what the organisation did when something terrible happened. I was well into internet stuff at … Keep reading