Arts and Ecology

My good friend William Shaw has started working at the RSA recently, and is writing a blog called Arts & Ecology. William is a fabulous writer and has been blogging for while, and really Gets It. He also has some great ideas for mashing up creative work with online stuff. Well worth subscribing.

Bad blood river

William Shaw has a rant on Palimpsest about Tim Butcher’s Blood River: Of course the real reason why the Congo is a hell hole has to do with the last 150 years of history, not with any darkness. The older part is documented in Hochschild’s brilliant history King Leopold’s Ghost. Back then it was about … Keep reading

William Shaw on Scientology

William Shaw is a great writer, and a great guy. He’s written a number of non-fiction titles, mainly on counter-cultural issues and is now doing some exciting stuff with social media, looking into stuff like uses the blog format to publish short non-fiction stories on UnMadeUp, posting stories around different parts of Brighton, and the … Keep reading