Blog Woes and a New Start

Problems with the old blog mean that I have had to abandon it for now. At some point I’ll drag the old posts back through to this one. As it is, though, this represents a new start.

I’ve installed the latest version of WordPress, 2.1 – released this evening – though I was tempted by giving Drupal a go. Everything looks pretty good in the new WP, one of the best features is the new code editor, much better than the old one. Means you can correct the odd mistake that the wysiwyg editor produces.

It’ll take me a little while to get everything up and running again – sorting out a theme and getting plug-ins installed. Hopefully all my old favourites will be compatible with 2.1.

Still, I must’ve been doing something right before. Somehow my mug has ended up on 901am‘s shortlist of bloggers. Right next to Guy Kawasaki! Not sure I belong there at all…

5 thoughts on “Blog Woes and a New Start”

  1. I’ve been playing with Drupal for the last few days, and unless you feel you need it, you’re much better sticking with WordPress. Especially with lovely themes like this available. Give my regards to Guy, by the way. 🙂

  2. Thanks for the comment, Simon. I think Drupal is an amazing bit of kit, but not right, as you say, for a single man personal blog.

    What I think is great is that there is a selection of off the shelf, open source software out there that can just about do anything you want: WordPress, MediaWiki, Drupal, phpBB… and they are mostly very easy to use and set up. Coupled with the cheap hosting that’s available these days, almost anything is possible!

  3. Ya, I’m thinking I’ll do the 2.1 upgrade shortly, too. Thanks for the heads up!

    I actually found you through the 2000 bloggers photos — I happened upon Tino’s site a few days ago, and laughed when I saw my mug on there!

  4. Col – thanks for the comment – I might look into darkening the text a bit!

    NetChick – it’s weird seeing your face up there, isn’t it?! WP 2.1 is well worth the upgrade, for the autosave if nothing else!

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