
Twitter is becoming an indispensable tool for me – albeit one I didn’t know I needed until I started using it in a big way. I guess that as with a lot of these social networking type utilities, Metcalfe’s law applies – the more people use it, the more useful it is. Now I am … Keep reading


I like podcasts. I certainly hope the current developments in streamed video don’t mean the death of downloadable audio and video in the near future. Here’s the list of ones I am currently subscribed to and listen on a regular basis. There’s a lot of ’em, but not every episode gets listened to all the … Keep reading

Councillor 2.0

Just popped up on the Gallomanor blog – Cllr 2.0: The Ministry of Justice Innovations Fund II approved a bid from Gallomanor and Norfolk County Council to help set this record straight.  We’re filming a group of six Norfolk County Councillors as we train them on how to blog.  The film along with a introductory … Keep reading

I’m a bipolar blogger

Writing for a blog is like writing for any other form, you have highs and lows in terms of producing content. What’s important is that you remain consistent in the numbers and length of posts that you produce. People are far more likely to respond positively to what you have to say if they have … Keep reading


I was alerted by Neville Hobson‘s tweet that a bug fix release of FeedDemon was available for download. This announcement came through the FD support forums, which I never look at, so am thankful to Neville for bringing it to my attention. The upgrade fixes bugs like: New instance of FeedDemon loads with misleading “application … Keep reading