WordPress 2.5

Went live for download over the weekend. Will be having a look at it over the next day or so. Looks a great release, with some much needed improvements, including:

  • Improved admin dashboard, which can now include widgets
  • Multi-file uploads
  • Search pages as well as posts with default search facility
  • Better tag management
  • Direct plugin upgrades – just click and your plugins will be upgraded for you
  •  Improved rich-text editor
  • Built in image galleries

So, plenty of stuff to get your teeth into. Neville Hobson has some great notes on upgrading.

3 thoughts on “WordPress 2.5”

  1. Same here, going to have a look at a fresh install today – then might tackle an upgrade (which I’m relatively fearful of).
    Might have to reskin the admin panel though, I much preferred the old one!

  2. Does it enable searching of comments? I was surprised to discover that comments don’t get searched in my current set-up: I was looking for the comment where someone mentioned X author and no results came in. Bit of a pain.

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